The challenge for NaPoWriMo Day 19 was to write a didactic poem on any theme and I chose writing.

NaPoWriMo Day 19 – Didactic

The first step is to sit in the same seat,
Turn on a screen or grab a pad and pen,
Then take a deep breath and put up your feet,
Time for creativity to begin.

And now you stare blankly at the white page,
Waiting patiently for the Muse to appear,
You may face sadness or a red hot rage,
Or perhaps your legs will tremble in fear.

Resist the temptation of social feeds,
Facebook or Instagram where selfies flood,
They cause our imaginations to bleed,
And slow down your mind like thinking through mud.

Staring out the window may free your thoughts,
Free writing or active meditation,
Shower, cleaning or going for a walk,
Try not to let blocks tie you up in knots.

And my last tip for those wanting to write,
Rejections can be alive with insights.