NaPoWriMo Day 10 – Book Spine Poetry

NaPoWriMo Day 10 – Book Spine Poetry

I had never heard the Day 10 NaPoWriMo challenge before today, but, as a bibliophile, I was immediately excited by the possibilities of Book Spine Poetry. I pulled some random books from my bookshelf, and the titles turned into a sonnet.   NaPoWriMo Day 10 – Book...
NaPoWriMo Day 9 – A Line You’re Afraid to Write

NaPoWriMo Day 9 – A Line You’re Afraid to Write

How apropos that today’s NaPoWriMo challenge is to use a line that you’re afraid to write given I have spent most of the day struggling with anxiety and panic. While I am open to speaking about my battle with mental illness, I still find it difficult to put my...
NaPoWriMo Day 8 – Flowers

NaPoWriMo Day 8 – Flowers

Continuing on from yesterday, I decided to stick with the Roman theme and write a Fibonacci poem dedicated to the goddess of flowers, Flora.   NaPoWriMo Day 8 – Flowers Spring looms. Flora, Rome’s goddess, flowers as her crown, heralds the cycle of...
NaPoWriMo Day 7 – Tritina

NaPoWriMo Day 7 – Tritina

1 week in and I’ve managed a poem each day! I’ve stuck with the suggested NaPoWriMo themes and today’s challenge was to write a tritina. This tricky little poem is made up of three tercets with the same ending words in each and ends with a line using the three...
NaPoWriMo Day 6 – Food

NaPoWriMo Day 6 – Food

Another food related theme for NaPoWriMo Day 6. I’ve chosen to write an anagram poem, using only the letters in my favourite food, the strawberry. I’ve chosen to write an anagram poem, using only the letters in my favourite food.   NaPoWriMo Day 6 – Food Strawberry...
NaPoWriMo Day 5 – Heirloom Seeds

NaPoWriMo Day 5 – Heirloom Seeds

The inspiration for today’s NaPoWriMo poem was plucked from an heirloom tomato aptly named “Striped Roman”. I decided to play with a triolet to keep things interesting. If you are following along with the edits of my first novel, I am trudging through the drudgery of...
NaPoWriMo Day 4 – The Cruelest Month

NaPoWriMo Day 4 – The Cruelest Month

Today’s NaPoWriMo theme was inspired by the first line of T.S. Eliot’s poem, “The Waste Land”. Eliot asserts that the “April is the cruelest month”, but it’s been pretty fantastic so far. Below is my list poem nominating January for the cruelty award. (I almost...
NaPoWriMo Day 3 – Fan Mail

NaPoWriMo Day 3 – Fan Mail

Today has been a bit hectic, but I managed to get a short cinquain done for the Day 3 theme – fan mail. Since I’m plodding along with editing my novel set in Rome, Caesar immediately came to mind. Though he’s not my favourite personality of the ancient world, his...
NaPoWriMo Day 2 – Family Portrait

NaPoWriMo Day 2 – Family Portrait

The theme for NaPoWriMo Day 2 is “Family Portrait”. I have used an impossibly 80’s photo of my Dad as inspiration for an acrostic poem.   Day 2 – Family Portrait Feathered bangs like Farrah Artfully combed to accentuate a Masculine jawline, mustache veiling Innocence...
NaPoWriMo Day 1 – Lune

NaPoWriMo Day 1 – Lune

This is no April Fool’s joke. National Poetry Month has officially begun! I have decided to follow the daily prompts from the NaPoWriMo website. Today’s challenge is to write a Lune or American Haiku. A Lune can be written in two ways. The first, similar to a Haiku,...